Why Bitcoin Failed and Why Pi Network is Revolutionary

Why Bitcoin Failed and Why Pi Network is Revolutionary

@Mstkck90 Oct 11 2023

Bitcoin does not have a fair mechanism. Pi Coins are accepted as money by millions of people. In many countries, people shop with Pi Coins. Bitcoin could not achieve this. One of the reasons for this is that Bitcoin is not distributed fairly to ordinary people. Well-known rich people have Bitcoins, but you don't have any Bitcoins. And you will never be able to own Bitcoins. Because you do not have the expensive hardware required for Bitcoin mining. And rich people who own Bitcoin will never give you Bitcoin. Let's say you happen to own a few Bitcoins. You will never be able to buy anything using Bitcoin. Because ordinary people do not accept to buy goods and services in exchange for Bitcoin. And you won't want to spend Bitcoin either. Because you will assume it will be more valuable and prefer to wait rather than spend it. So Bitcoin will never be used. And a currency that is not used and has no acceptability can never be a currency. As a result, Nicolas Kokkalis realized before anyone else that the Bitcoin experiment had failed. Thus, Pi Network was born. Pi Network has progressed and evolved to avoid making the mistakes Bitcoin made. Not only that, Pi Network is committed to doing everything a blockchain can do. So just as you don't need Bitcoin, you no longer need technologies like Ethereum and Solana. Because Pi Network provides the services they offer in a simpler, faster and more understandable way. Pi Network ensures you don't need anything else. So it is possible to say this. Pi Network brings together the Blockchain and crypto world under one roof.

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